What you can expect to learn.

We are known for digging deeper into the “why” of a dogs behaviour and connecting the dots on what’s going on in the dogs mind. Figuring out the cause of a behaviour is the first step in resolving the issue. Strengthening the bond between human and dog is the following step in bridging the disconnect that’s occurring in the relationship. 

Focus on confidence and relationship building is fundamental in changing behaviour of both the dog and the human. Many disagreements between humans and dogs tend to stem from miscommunication more than anything else. Teaching communication skills and basic dog psychology to clients, is just one of many ways we intercede between humans and dogs to create a more harmonious life.

We may use a variety of tools in training such as; a clicker and food, toys, electronic dog collar (aka ecollars), slip leads, prong collars, harnesses, long lines, spring poles and much more! 

Every training program is tailored to the need of each dog, with the most positive experience possible for both the dog and the human. It’s not uncommon to have the most dangerous of dogs, wag their tail in joy at the site of the dog trainer after just one or two classes. 

One of the reasons why our success rate with dogs is so high, is because we ensure that any clients who sign up for our classes are dedicated 100% to doing their homework and committing to their dog for the long haul. Training time doesn’t stop when the class ends, and our clients understand any interaction they have with their dog is training their dog too. 

When classes are finished, our ultimate goal is to communicate to the dog what is expected of him/her in that moment, and to trust the human to handle anything that comes along dog. This trust and mutual respect creates a life long relationship of companionship and harmony.