Taylor Williams - Bichon/Maltese Owner

Julia was recommended to me by a family friend and I was at my wits end with my pooch as I realized his not so desirable behaviours were much more difficult to deal with once I had a newborn. Remington is a two years old bichon maltese mix and although we passed beginner obedience training he did NOT come when I called him. Ever. And if he was off leash he was gone, a complete bolter! After just 5 sessions with Julia and using her e-collar training I am able to enjoy off-leash walks knowing my dog will come when I call him! This may not seem huge to some but it has made a world of difference for our family. Julia has also helped with other behaviours such as barking, sitting, and staying! Most of all her approach isn’t to “shock the dog into submission” but rather to empower the dog to know how to turn off the e-collar by understanding and following your commands! I can not recommend her enough!

Lindsey Mccaig - American Bully Owner

What an experience! I didn’t want our sessions to end. I have a completely different dog! Julia is knowledgeable and super experienced! She continues to educate herself on new and different techniques to give every dog and dog owner a quality and personalized experience. I will continue to take classes with Julia as much as possible because it’s truly built an incredible bond with my dog and I. Everyone has noticed and complimented the change in my dog. I will be forever grateful for our training experience with Julia and Train Wright.

Shannon Ambeault - Beorboel Owner

Our dog is the love of our life, he is everything u can want in a dog and more. The only issue is that just my husband and my kids and I are the only ones that see his dedication, love, protection and devotion. The outside world sees and gets a completely different version of him. After an incident where our dog felt like he was just protecting us from our delivery man, we knew something had to change. Julia is our hygienist at our dental office and during my routine cleaning I started discussing issues our dog had. Little did I know that she was the person in my life that would be able to change his and our lives! We began training which not only changed the reactive behaviour of our dog but she also changed the anxiety I felt when it came to his reactive behaviours. She wasn’t scared of him which very few people are not and she showed us every tool we needed to use in order to have control over his reactions. Yesterday was the first time ever that I have had another animal and a person in my home with almost no burst of reaction from him!! I didn’t think this was even a possibility but as I watched my 150 pound dog staying at his place while Julia and Cooper (her pup) were in my home, I was speechless. I cannot say enough good things about her dedication to us and the different methods she had to try to get him on board. So lucky to have found you at the time we did!